
DIY Car Upholstery Cleaning

DIY Car Upholstery Cleaning

You do not have to have your upholstery cleaning done by professionals. In fact, you can very easily do-it-yourself with the right supplies. Many people prefer doing their own upholstery cleaning because they feel like they do a more thorough job than a detailer would. If this sounds like you, there are some tips you can apply to make upholstery cleaning easier. Here’s what you need to do to clean your car’s interior like a pro: Create a solution of baking soda and warm water. Mix it together and you’ll be ready to do upholstery cleaning like a champion. Create a second solution containing dish detergent, vinegar, and water in a spray bottle. Shake the mixture well before starting the upholstery cleaning. Using a soft toothbrush for upholstery cleaning treats the stains on the upholstery. Let the solution sit for 30 minutes to saturate area. This method will even help lift set-in stains like ketchup and coffee. Follow the treatment time by using a clean white towel to blot the tre ... read more


Car Cleaning

Car Car Clinics

Have you ever wondered what’s included in a 52-point inspection of your vehicle? Sallas Auto Repair’s Car Care Clinics are your chance to find out exactly that, plus a great deal more. Held a few times a year, Car Care Clinics are free to attend and extremely informative, recommended for men, women, teens, elderly, single folk & married couples. They’re recommended for anyone who drives! We go over an abundance of material, ranging from what to do in case of an accident, to how to choose an honest & reputable auto repair shop. Wary of buying used cars? Come to our clinic & we’ll go over step-by-step instructions in how to find a great car at a great price. Not buying the whole “preventative maintenance” thing? After spending the morning at our clinic you’ll understand why it’s the key to making your car go well beyond it’s average mileage, all while keeping you and your family safe and happy on the road. After our owners ... read more


Car Care Clinics

Sallas Auto Car Care Clinics

Sallas Auto Car Care Clinics

Just as modern medicine helps keep us healthier and live longer; today’s auto industry now produces vehicles that can last 300-400,000 miles or more if properly maintained. To help customers get the most life out of their vehicles, Sallas Auto hosts car clinics that educate drivers to about their cars, and the safety importance and cost savings associated with preventive maintenance. About Our Car Clinics We began our car clinics 13 years ago after identifying a need for drivers to understand their cars. Originally the clinics started as a women-focused clinic. We recognized that too many women were being taken advantage of at auto repair shops. We began our clinics as a way to educate customers about proper car maintenance so that women and men alike would not be taken advantage of when it came to regular and preventative maintenance. Car Care Clinic Topics At a car car clinic, participants hear a presentation from Nick Sallas about car maintenance. Nick explains ... read more


Car Care Clinics

What To Do If You’re In A Car Accident

Car accidents happen every day. As long as people will be driving, there will always be accidents on the road. While nobody enjoys thinking about, much less planning for, a car accident – it’s important to know what to do in the event you find yourself in the unfortunate situation. If you’re in accident, it’s important to stay calm and communicate with the other party (parties) involved. Make sure to contact the cops in order to report the accident, and try to locate witnesses. This will all help you make the process go smoother. If someone is hurt, ask them to stay put until the paramedics arrive. As you begin to work out the details with the other driver, regardless of who’s fault it was, try to avoid playing the “blame game,” and get down to the basics. Use our Accident Log Sheet to get the needed information such as the other driver’s license numbers, name, address, insurance agent, and other information. It’s also a good idea to get the police officer’s information, and to write ... read more


Car Accidents

Don’t Text and Drive

Although Missouri and Kansas ban texting only for novice drivers, texting while driving should not be done by ANY drivers. One of the most dangerous practices while driving, texting has become a serious safety concern for drivers today. Texting is the art of sending a short, 160-character message to another cell phone user without having to call. To send a text, you have to select who is the message recipient and then type in the message. Texting is simple while sitting at home, lounging in bed, or even riding in the back seat. However, when a driver decides to text, he takes his eyes off of the road for several seconds, putting himself at a high safety risk of an accident. According to the Texting While Driving blog, 30 states have banned texting, and several others have restrictions on texting and cell phone use while operating a vehicle. Texting is one of today’s drivers most common distractions, ranking up there with answering phone calls, multi-tasking and listening to loud musi ... read more


Car Accidents