Posted on 9/2/2014

Driving is even more demanding these days… Here are some driving facts & tips to keep you safe: Rural Roads are the Most Dangerous Slow Down – Speed is a Big Part of that Problem First…facts on deadly crashes: 39% of deadly crashes involve speed. 31% of deadly crashes involve alcohol impaired drivers 60% of them take place on rural roads – two lane roads outside the city limits. 24% of crashes are weather related. 88% of deadly crashes involve a driver age 21 and over – so only 12% involve teenager drivers. 60% of Deadly Car Crashes Happen on Rural Roads Second…Driving Tips: Stick to the center lane on the freeways. Rear-end crashes happen less there than the other lanes. The slow lane always ... read more
Posted on 9/2/2014

There are special problems with driving on rural highways for long periods of time. Be aware of what is known as “highway hypnosis”. This is driving in a drowsy, dulled, trance-like state. To avoid falling asleep behind the wheel take frequent breaks – stop if you begin to feel tired – it will recharge you. Velocitation is caused by driving for long periods at high speeds. When you do reduce your speed you think the car is going much slower than it actually is and you end up speeding. Highway Hypnosis makes for Sleepy Drivers Unmarked farm roads and driveways can be hidden by trees or bushes or crops. These roads are traveled by farmers and ranchers driving from one field to the next and are not in hurry to get there. Some may be driving large tractors at a much slower speed than you. There are always more BLIND CORNERS on rural roads – just no way around that one. Anot ... read more
Posted on 9/2/2014

I’m writing this as I’m driving and eating a doughnut so forgive me if I masspell something. Pardon me, I have a text. BRB. If you’re driving anywhere near me you’re probably in some serious danger. Distracted driving makes up something like 80% of the car crashes in the US. And eating is just as distracting as texting and so is writing a blog about distracted driving while driving. And while we could probably get away with chewing gum while driving an article on has a list of the most dangerous foods you can consume behind the wheel. The top 10 food offenders are: Coffee: Big surprise, not only does it always spill, always, it’s also hot so when it lands on your lap you land in the wrong lane. Hot soup: Soup? Really? Who does this? Tacos: Few things are funnier than a girl in a car at a stoplight trying to eat a taco. Chili: Again, really? Hamburgers: This should really b ... read more
Posted on 9/2/2014

Drivers, take heed! In recent years, Kansas and Missouri have cracked down on texting-while-driving laws. However, in spite of increased ticketing for this offense, it seems there is still some ambiguity about the specifics of the laws. At Sallas Auto Repair, we are dedicated to keeping you safe and ticket-free. Because of our commitment to you, we’ve done some research and will set the record straight. Kansas Kansas drivers, especially those in the Prairie Village area, need to take extra caution on the road. A KMBC article reported that, “Prairie Village police wrote more texting-while-driving tickets than any other city in the metropolitan area last year.” Kansas law states that it is illegal for drivers to text while driving ANYWHERE on the road. This law seems pretty straightforward, but there has still been some confusion. Kansas traffic officials explained that many people believe it i ... read more
Posted on 9/2/2014
Richard Petty once told AutoNetTV, “You’ve gotta have good brakes. If you’ve got good brakes you can keep yourself out of a lotta trouble.” That’s why a regular brake inspection is on every Kansas City car’s maintenance schedule. An inspection at Sallas Auto Repair will check your brake system and let you know if there are any problems. Of course, if you’re having trouble with your brakes, get your car into Sallas Auto Repair right away. Here are some symptoms to watch for: If you are experiencing any of these, it’s time to get your brakes checked. There are two types of brakes: disk and drum. Disk brakes have a rotor that’s attached to the axle. Calipers straddle the rotor, kind of like the brakes on a bicycle. Drum brakes are more common on back wheels. Both types have pads or shoes that press against the brakes and slow the vehicle. Brake pads and shoes are made out of very tough material to withstand the heat and force generated when stopping your car. Eventually, they wear out ... read more