Posted on 9/2/2014

Driving your car on a nice day is a great thing. You may have the radio on, the top down or sunroof open, dog hanging out the window, kids hanging out the window, nothing but a lovely stretch of road and the wind at your back. Until you have to stop. Stopping is a very important part of driving. Otherwise we’d all be on the Santa Monica Pier. And when it comes to stopping your car your brakes are your best choice. Keeping your brakes in good condition means safer driving. Routine maintenance is your best bet to prevent brake problems. A thorough inspection should include: Brake fluid level Rotor thickness Brake lining wear Brake line and hose conditions Dashboard lights Brake lights A good test drive to diagnose any potential issues Having a good mechanic like those at Sallas Auto Repair perform maintenance on your braking system is always a good idea. But you should also know the wa ... read more