We covered the best way to wash your car in our last post so let’s just put the cherry on top and wax her while she’s in the driveway.
Which wax you choose is a matter of taste so rather than go into a long list of types and ingredients we’ll just go with Nu-Finish or Turtle Wax as they were Consumer Reports top performers. Just stick to the non-abrasive waxes no matter your brand. And carefully read the directions.

Of course you’ve thoroughly washed and completely dried your car, it’s still out of the direct sun and you’re not completely worn out. One firm rule about waxing your car is that temperature and humidity will greatly affect your results. So above 60 degrees and below 50 percent humidity is best.
Use an applicator sponge to apply the wax. If you use a cloth the pressure from your fingertips will leave a heavier application and potentially little dots.
Forget the Karate Kid and his “wax on, wax off” technique. If there are any contaminants left on your car you’ll make big circular scratches. Use a linear stroke or even better the W and Z approach. This literally means making W motions followed by Zs. The smaller motions will help to disguise any potential scratches.
Don’t slather on the wax. A decent wax is expensive and using more than you need just makes for more work and more money. It should be a fine coat, almost invisible. And the less wax means you’re finished faster.
If the instructions advise it apply the wax over the entire car and let it dry. If not work in small sections starting with the hood and working backwards.
When the surface is ready it’s time to remove the wax. Start with a micro-fiber towel. Using two will prevent wax build up so you won’t just reapply what you just removed. Remove the wax in the same motion you used to apply it using some pressure to make sure it’s completely removed. Finish with a soft cloth such as a cloth diaper to remove any left-over residue and buff to a spectacular shine.
If you find that you’ve missed a spot or two later and they’ve dried too much to buff out try putting your car in the sun for about fifteen to twenty minutes then back into the shade. The heat will soften the wax and you can remove it.
Wash your towels and clothes for future waxings. Use a good quality fabric softener to guarantee that the towel will not scratch your car in the future.
We know a good quality wax job on your car protects the finish and reduces the need for frequent washing. But we also know how great it is to walk outside and see that smashing, shiny ride in your driveway. Sallas Auto Repair knows the satisfaction you get from a car that looks and runs great. So if you’re having trouble with the inside just bring it in and we’ll make sure it matches the outside!