Posted on 9/2/2014
Whenever we talk about exhaust service, most people normally think about exhaust pipes and mufflers. Well, actually, exhaust service is a lot more comprehensive these days. For example, catalytic converters were mandated in 1976 and on-board emission control computers in 1990. Governmental emissions requirements have forced manufacturers to come up with much more sophisticated ways to comply with environmental regulations. Exhaust service has really become exhaust and emissions service. High-tech computer controlled emissions devices are now a big part of exhaust service. Because it is so sophisticated, your vehicle manufacturer recommends you have your emission system checked out by a qualified Kansas City exhaust technician regularly to make sure everything is working right – usually every 6 months or 10,000 miles/16,000 kilometers. If your Check Engine light comes on, especially if it’s flashing, get your car looked at right away. Technicians at ... read more
Posted on 9/2/2014

Catalytic converter theft is a crime that can cost car owners hundreds of dollars. It happens in broad daylight and in public places. All thieves need is a battery operated saw and a few minutes to cripple your car and set you back hundreds of dollars. Even worse, catalytic converter theft is on the rise in the Kansas City and Overland Park area. Why? Because the catalytic converter contains valuable precious metals which can sell at scrap yards for over $100. Warning Signs If your car has been left in a public place like an airport parking lot or a parking garage for an extended period of time, you are at greater risk for catalytic converter theft. Thieves also prefer vehicles like trucks and SUVs that sit higher off the ground, making them easier to maneuver under. Most motorists newly missing a catalytic converter know immediately that something is wrong. As soon as they turn the ignition, they’ll notice that the engine sounds loud like a motorcycle and vibrates ... read more