Posted on 9/2/2014
Summer’s quickly approaching! As you head out with the family to baseball or soccer games, the Zoo and your favorite parks, avoid traffic by knowing which roads will be under construction in Kansas City this summer. Kansas City Road Construction This Summer According to MoDOT and KSDOT, the following Kansas City roads will have construction into June and beyond. Plan your Trip with the Kansas City Scout Before you head out to drive around the Kansas City Metro, or even across the state(s), check out Kansas City Scout first. They provide great links and information so you can prepare for, and plan, your trip. Check out Kansas City Scout. Driving with Caution through Road Construction If you do get caught driving through construction areas, it’s important to slow down and drive carefully. If your car is under stress in the midst of a construction zone (yes, cars get stressed in construction traffic), watch out for overheating. If your car does begin to overheat, turn on yo ... read more
Posted on 9/2/2014

The dog days of a Kansas City summer have been especially brutal this year. Triple digit temps came early and stayed and coupled with a lack of rain and we’re already contemplating fall. When should you fill up your car? But summer’s not over yet and we’re still hearing some of the myths of summer driving. So before you head off into that summer sunset let’s chat about a few of them and debunk four once and for all. Did you uncle (or grandpa) ever tell you that you don’t need anti-freeze in the summer? That water is just fine? Well, technically he’s not wrong except that he’s not right. Huh? Water will cool your engine but you’re not getting the critical anti-corrosion and anti-wear additives that come with antifreeze. We recommend a 50/50 mix of water to antifreeze all year round. So you can tell your granddad that he’s half-right. When I was in college and driving my 1979 Datsun B-210 I would occa ... read more
Posted on 9/2/2014

Would you believe us if we told you that car crashes are the number one killer of children aged 1-12 in the US? Sometimes accidents are unavoidable, but you can do the best you can to protect your children by driving attentively and properly placing them in their carseat. Step 1: Find the proper car seat for your child. Choose a car seat based on his or her size and age and fits in your vehicle. Be familiar with the manufacturer’s height and weight requirements and replace the car seat when necessary. Types of car seats: Rear-facing seat Best for young children Has harness and moves with child to reduce impact Forward-facing seat Has harness and tether Limits forward movement in a crash Booster seat Best for older children Seat belt fits over child’s body Seat belt Lies across upper thighs and is snug across shoulder and chest Should not rest on the stomach, across the neck or under the arm ... read more
Posted on 9/2/2014
Today, July 19, 2012, Kansas City is the hottest city in the nation. This comes smack in the middle of our second major heat wave with temperatures regularly in the triple digits. So while we prefer to stay inside air conditioned offices and homes at some point we are forced to venture out for work, shopping or just to get out. Our cars are often the last thing we think of when it comes to hot weather, we just sort of assume they’ll work when we get into them. But this hot weather can really take its toll so take a hard look at your poor car and read these tips on keeping it going in this hot weather. Check your air filter. Not only have we experiencedabove normal temps we’re suffering way belownormal rainfall. This means that dust and dirt are just swirling around waiting to be sucked into our car’s air filter. And if you routinely drive through building or road construction you’re compounding the ... read more
Posted on 9/2/2014

Thousands of people around the country are injured and even die due to the severity of injuries sustained during road accidents, many from a lack of simple driving safety. The number of injuries and deaths skyrocket during winter. During extreme weather you should limit your driving to when it is necessary and even then, wait until road workers have cleared the road. Winter Driving Safety Tips You should be careful not to leave your departure point too late. Driving fast during winter to arrive at your destination quickly can only mean trouble for you, the passengers in your car and the other drivers on the road. Driving Safety Tips When Driving On Icy Roads You cannot tell the condition of other vehicles on the road or the driver’s mental state or how well that person can drive in winter conditions. This means that you should put some distance between you and other motorists. Three times the space that you usually leave between you and motorists i ... read more