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Oil Change Services | Kansas City & Overland Park
We know a quality oil change is critical in saving you money and keeping you safe on the road - that is our goal at Sallas Auto Repair and regular auto maintenance is part of the answer. So what is different about our oil change service?
Oil Change Discounts
If you want to take advantage of oil change coupons, the next time you are in one of our Sallas Automotive locations, ask for a FREE Oil Change Coupon Card.
Every time you have your oil changed at Sallas Auto Repair, bring your Oil Change Coupon Card along and we will stamp your card.
When you have three oil change stamps, your next oil change is FREE! Just another way Sallas Auto Repair helps you save.

Oil Change - Regular Maintenance
An oil change is a part of any regular maintenance schedule for your car. Check your owner’s manual and follow the manufacturer’s recommendation. If it says change the oil every three months or 3,000 miles and you haven’t traveled 3,000 miles in that time, change it anyway.
The recommendations are generally much longer than that. For instance, Acura suggests changing the oil in some models every 7,500 miles or one year.
Quality Oil Change
You can get your oil change in Kansas City or Overland Park with complete confidence. Our qualified auto technicians will take great care of your vehicle while changing the oil and the oil filter.
This not a basic oil change. We will make sure your car is properly taken care of. Our auto technicians in both our Kansas City and Overland Park locations don't simply change the oil -- they take the time to advise you of any other maintenance items or problems that may require attention.
When you leave Sallas Auto Repair, you are assured that your vehicle is in a good, roadworthy condition.
Why Get an Oil Change?
Oil is an essential lubricant in your engine. Without oil, the metal-on-metal friction creates so much heat that eventually the surfaces weld themselves together and the engine seizes.
Oil undergoes thermal breakdown due to high operating temperature. When this occurs, the oil becomes less effective as a lubricant. And without a good lubricant, parts of the engine rub together and wear each other out.
When you think of it, everyone knows if you drain the oil out of a car it is not going to travel any distance before the engine sizes. When you understand the breakdown in oil that occurs with heat, then you understand the need to change your oil.
Schedule your oil change today!